Cellar Door
on the evil that is netspeak
2003-08-19 - 12:04 a.m.
feeling: imood

People who can't type correctly piss me off. I sincerely hope that some of the people here on diaryland don't write their school or job assignments the way they do their diaries, because they're in for a beating if they do. Perhaps not literally, but that might not be a bad idea either.

I know that our society is generally pretty lazy in most things, but when did it get this bad? Is the extra few milliseconds it would take people to press the shift key or include all the necessary letters really that sorely missed? If your schedule is so tightly run that you need to cut back on time like that, you have issues. There is absolutely no reason anyone should be abbreviating a three-letter word. I think you know the one of which I speak.

And what's all this shit about not ever touching the shift key? This is stuff we learned in first grade, people. If it's at the beginning of a sentence, it gets capitalized. Comprende? I don't care if the demons in your head tell you you'll die if you touch the contaminated button, it makes you and your writing look idiotic.

Learn to spell. I don't care if you naturally suck at spelling, learn to spell. Use a dictionary. Run your stuff through a spellchecker, if nothing else. Take the time to actually look at your entry after it's finished to check for typos you may have missed. You know, it may not matter to you now, but later on when you're doing important things, like asking someone to hire you, it's going to be very fucking important that you not look like a complete moron on paper. If you do, your sparkling personality won't help, because you won't even get to meet them- you're going in the trash pile.

Don't type LiKe ThIs. It annoys the shit out of everyone. I wince to see that on my computer screen. Similarly, dun b talkn lik this all th tim, because it makes you look like an illiterate imbecile. Those are both fairly straightforward.

Use proper grammar if at all possible. Nobody's going to shoot you for ending a sentence with a preposition, but it would be nice if you made an attempt not to do so. At least know how to use an apostrophe correctly. For help with this, please refer to Bob's Quick Guide to the Apostrophe, You Idiots. And for goodness' sake, make sure the verb agrees with the noun.

Bad: Michael and I is going to the park.

Good: Michael and I are going to the park.

Punctuate. Ellipses do not replace periods. End the fucking sentence after a while instead of prolonging the pain by adding comma after comma. If it's a statement, don't end it with a question mark. You wouldn't believe how many teachers do that on tests. Don't do it in your writing.

Learn the difference between your and you're. "Your" is possessive, as in, "Hey, may I borrow your car?" '"You're" is a contraction of "you are", as in, "You're an idiot." There, their, and they're are not interchangeable. "Its" and "it's" have different meanings.

Yes, it does matter.

These are the basics I can think of for the moment. Not that people will actually read them, but it's nice to get that mini-rant off my chest.

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